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Tuesday 21 August 2012

data types


A data type tells the compiler how to create a piece of storage and how to manipulate that
storage. Data types can be built in or abstract; a built in data type is wired into the 
compiler and is understood intrinsically. Abstract data types are defined by the programmer 
as a class. the compiler must learn how to handle abstract data types by reading headed 
files containing class declarations.

Basic Built-in types

There are 4 basic built in types in c++. 
A char is for character storage, uses a minimum of 8 bits (one byte).
An int store a whole number and uses a minimum of 2 bytes (16 bits) 
The float, store floating point numbers 
The double stands for double precision floating point numbers


Specifiers expand basic built in types to a much larger set. There are four types:


long and short modify the minimum and maximum range a data type can hold. 

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