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Thursday 25 March 2010

Character development

Dean: I have selected this character from the initial sketches and created a cheeky personality for him, i will pass this over to Jim so he can start modelling the character and begin the character rigging process.

Jim: Looking good Dean, might consider making his feet a little broader - like they're webbed, or maybe expandable/retractable so he can spread his toes out whilst retaining the overall delicacy of the character. The expandable arms will be a nice feature in the rig, looks like from your drawing he travels at pace, so they need to lag behind him when in full swing - thinking about using a dynamic chain with a switch so the animator can swap between the two.

  • Could do with a few more concept sketches - think  facial expressions, especialy considering the narrative, looks really happy in these pics, not really appropriate as he's supposed to be under oppression. I've found this wicked showreel online (click) have a look at the worm style character and the faces he pulls - immediately gives you an idea of what sort of character he is. 

  • Can you give me a bit more detail around the eye's mouth and hands? Need to know if the eyes are protruding in frontof the face or sunken in, does he have wrinkles? Bags? Tongue? Is it like a human tongue or a long lizard style tongue that can act as an extra limb? Teeth? Fangs Nashers? Gummy?, if he's gummy he could have a set of falsies - that insinuates age, could be shrivelled up like a sultana? 

  •  Couple of close up drawings would be beneficial just to see whats going on around the afore mentioned areas (eyes, mouth, nose). Legs, are they hairy (like a fly) or smooth (like a baby's arse), shiny/ matt

  • Textures - How does his skin appear - remember he doesn't just have to be flat colour, we can apply allsorts - use photographs, manipulate them in photoshop and bang them on. I did a drawing in photoshop the other day using a marble texture (click) of an insect claw. If you could give me something like that would help no end.


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